Sunday, November 2, 2008


So An update...been busy with football and Cheer. I'm working outside of the home for a telemarketing company. Not the greatest job but I can work the hours I want and still be home with the kids when they need me. I am still selling Avon and Affordable Mineral Makeup but the call center is definate income coming in weekly which is needed. I will be going with Chey on her trip and leaving the boys home. :)

Joseph is okay, still don't know why he is having the sesures but the meds have been helping and they are getting to be fewer. He is still working full time but they cut off his overtime so that is why I'm working. On a good note we just celebrated his 4th birthday on Oct. 20th.

Ashton had his last game Friday (halloween) I felt bad that the boys missing trick or treating but he signed the comitment so he held to it, the parents did buy bags of candy and we put them together on the sidelines so the boys did get a huge bag of mixed candy. Over all for the season we had 1 win 7 losses. not a good season but he had fun and wants to do it again next year. He is doing well in school nothing lower then a B.

Steffan has 1 more game of high school football. (1 week and he is done) there standing is 0 win 9 losses. His overall behavior is little better but still has a mouth. He is starting to get lower grades and things aren't so easy (Probably due to them being some college credits) I'm hoping with football done the graes will come up.

Chey is still my little princess, She has regionals for Cheer Thanksgiving weekend (in Santa Clara CA) and possibly nationals the first week in Decmber (at Disney in FL) . Her grades are great and she made the honor role again.
As for Morgan, he is a little ham. He is going to head start and loves it. He is 3 1/2 now and growing so quick, he weighs about 35 pounds. He loves his kittys still and can make just about any of my bad days better.

well I guess that is about it for now, at least now I fel like you know what is gong on and why I've been gone so much. Hugs and prayers and love to you all.

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