Sunday, February 8, 2009

Today, I read Vicki’s blog ( and found that she had been given The Honest Scrap Award, shared some honest things about herself and in return gave the award to others she deemed fit, I was one of those people.

So, without further ado, here are the details and me giving The Honest Scrap Award to other great women, moms and wives.

The rules are as follows:
a) List 10 honest things about yourself.
b) Pass the award on to seven bloggers whom you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

1. I am defiantly addicted to my computer, even my cell phone is hooked up to the internet so I don’t miss much.

2. I'm a coffee junkie, I drink it from the time I get up till the time I go to bed. Generally 4-5 pots a day by myself.

3. I cannot stand liars or thieves. No explanation needed

4. I love being a mom and a wife

5. I love making lists, even if I don’t do what is on them just the accomplishment of making the list

6. I love cheerleading, to watch my DD start from the beginning and all she learns and the since of accomplishment she gets from it is terrific.

7. I push my kids to be the best they can be, in school and in life, I also expect respect from them.

8. I go out of my way to help others when I can.

9. I am my worst critic and very hard on myself.

10. Really do not like people that don’t follow through with what they say. If you say you will do something do it promptly. Don’t leave other waiting without acknowledgement.

My 7 Honest Scrappers that I'm passing The Honest Scrap Award to are:

I know it is supposed to be 7, but I can only come up with 5 besides Vicki and I’m not going to make her do it again.

Heather cummings (Sorry no link)

Jennifer Saake (sorry no link)

Christie Silvers of

Michele Pucciniof

Tara Burner of

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